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Finance for digital

Your pilot project, if innovative, can be co-financed in the development or acceleration phase 

Currently, there are a significant and growing amount of public and private funding that can support your company for the different stages of development and implementation of your innovative project.

Finding your way through the numerous programs, calls for tenders and financing methods is a fairly complex activity, for which many companies dedicate specific organizational units that manage all the necessary operations.

Project360 can offer you all the functional services to obtain one or more loans for your projects.

The drafting of the project proposals, formalized in  technical-economic specifications, business plans and / or pitches,

constitute one  planning that can be used for one or more applications.

After the preliminary phase and after obtaining the approval of the project, Project360 supports the client company in Project Management and reporting activities, monitoring the progress of the work and guaranteeing  compliance of expenses, technical reports and project documentation required by the supplying bodies.

In fact, Project360 parallels the activities  from  technical development of the project, the functional activities to ensure that the necessary investments can be co-financed, non-repayable, with subsidized credit or with equity investments.

You can get funding more likely if your innovative projects are traceable to specific fields and sectors

Aerospace e  satellite telecommunications

Advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0

Sustainable and smart mobility

Creative and cultural industries

Eco-industries and circular economies


Health industries

European and national public funding

WHAT they finance

• Personnel expenses (inclusive, in some cases, of member-workers)

• Specialist consultancy costs (not linked to the company's routine activity, eg: IoT solution development)

• Purchase of intangible assets (trademarks, patents, know-how, website, ...) and Licenses / Software Services / Cloud / Hosting / ...

• General expenses (utilities, data traffic, ...)

• Purchase of stocks

• Purchase of tangible assets (hardware, furniture, machinery ...)

• Feasibility studies and project management activities

(including consultancy for the drafting of the project)

• Operational headquarters rental fees 

WHO they finance

• Micro Enterprises (MPMI)

-Up to € 2 million in turnover

- Up to 10 employees

• Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

-Up to € 50 million in turnover

- Up to 250 employees

• Innovative startups

- SMEs and SMEs registered in the Special Register of Startups     

  innovative, established no more than 24 months

• Freelancers and aspiring entrepreneurs

• Consortia and networks of Universities / Research Bodies and SMEs

• Social enterprises



HOW MUCH they finance

• Minimum regime: non - repayable loan up to €  200,000 for three years for all SMEs

• Percentage of co-financing: for regional calls, the amount of non-repayable financing varies according to the Region in which the company has an operational headquarters; typically,  the central-southern regions co-finance the projects for a share between 50% and 100%, without however excluding in some cases similar shares in the regions of northern Italy.

• Amounts:  in quantitative terms, the eligible and co-financed expenses, based on the different types of calls and the relative recipients and thematic areas, may  be roughly divided  on  3 levels:

- Preseed, Seed, microcredit, incentives for entrepreneurship: between €  25,000 and €  50,000

- Industrialization, digitization, internationalization, environmental sustainability: between € 100,000 and € 1,000,000

- Research & Development: up to € 2,500,000

Amounts may vary  on the basis of the provider (Region, EU, State, ...), the form in which they are disbursed (subsidized credit, non-repayable fund, ...),  the EU legislation on  expenses  eligible  (R&D expenses, experimental development, minimum regime ...).

HOW they finance

• The main methods of financing are:

- Non-repayable loan:  partial or total coverage of project costs

- Soft credit:  partial or total coverage of project costs with a subsidized loan with an APR between 0% and 2% . Beginning of repayment installments after 12 months from the date of conclusion of the project, over a period of up to 84 months.

• The disbursement of loans typically takes place in the following ways:

-  Request to the disbursing body for an advance of up to 40% of the recognized loan

- For the part not paid in advance, reimbursement to the work progress status on a monthly or quarterly basis, by submitting the reports and receipts of the expenses incurred.

• The approval times for a project, based on the complexity, technicality and amount of the loan, range from 4 to 12 months.

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Private financing

For the most advanced projects, developed by innovative startups and SMEs, you can access greater and more immediate financial scalability

Every year numerous accelerators, business angels, incubators and foundations organize  call for proposals addressed to startups and innovative SMEs . These  contests are on average more competitive and less accessible than public tenders, but allow for greater speed in response times and the possibility of accelerating the go-to-market of the project.

Typically, these calls see private equity and venture capital funds among the organizers and, consequently, any loans are disbursed in capital account against a shareholding in the company , generally between 10% and 30%.

Furthermore, startups and Innovative SMEs, as required by the

current legislation, can use the crowdfunding tool, obtaining funding from small investors who want to contribute to the development of the project.

Finally, these subjects can access a new form of financing that is becoming increasingly popular: Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) offer the possibility of obtaining financing for their own project in cryptocurrencies .

In the complex panorama of forms of private financing, Project360 can support you in the development of the business plan and financial strategy, starting consulting projects in partnership  with the most important Italian operators in innovation management and strategic consultancy for innovative startups and SMEs.

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Via di Mezzocammino 177

Rome (RM)



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Project360 SRL .

CF / VAT number 14645181000

REA registration of Rome n. 1535555

Share capital  € 16,000


Way of the Cybo 2

Milan (MI)


© 2021 Project360 SRL

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