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Together We Project

Project360 is a young and dynamic reality, which works in collaboration with the best professionals and companies in the Italian innovation chain.

The company focuses its activity on the creative concept, engineering and prototyping of digital products and solutions with a high level of innovation.

Project360 accompanies Small and Medium Enterprises  in the complex path for the recovery of competitiveness, taking care and supporting both the Research and Development activities and the process of redefining the processes, the customer's business organization and the business models impacted by the implementation of innovative projects.


SMART360 project funded  with the funds POR-FESR Lazio 2014-2020 - CUP F85F18000810006. Info >>

 Progetto "ERP verticalizzato sulla finanza agevolata" finanziato             con fondi FSC Lazio 2014-2020 - CUP  F81B21008460008. Info>>

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Project360 is your Partner

for digital transformation

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Project360's team of internal resources and collaborators puts at your service many years of experience on specific markets and domains and on the relative areas of use of digital solutions,  allowing a clear identification of technological trends and possible scenarios generated by their diffusion and, consequently, of the cost / opportunity for the Customer.

P360 is able to engineer and prototype solutions and offer value-added consultancy for sectors that will increasingly require a digital transformation strategy in the coming years.

By carrying out accurate preliminary analyzes and assessments and involving in its network professional figures experienced in the markets and in the most specific areas, the company know-how can be applied with equal effectiveness also for the realization of vertical projects and solutions .  

Le tecnologie digitali possono migliorare radicalmente la gestione delle attività del comparto agrifood.

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Building Management

Puoi gestire i tuoi immobili, gli impianti e i sistemi installati da remoto, tenendo traccia di tutti i dati e le informazioni necessarie e minimizzando i costi delle utenze. 

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Industria 4.0

Integrando la meccatronica e i sistemi di sensoristica all'interno del tuo ciclo produttivo, otterrai maggiore efficienza e produttività. 

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Logistica, Trasporti, SmartMobility

Gestisci efficientemente l'intero ciclo di distribuzione delle merci e/o i servizi di rental e sharing del tuo parco veicoli. 

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Trasforma i tuoi punti vendita con la digitization e ottieni migliori performance nella gestione delle attività quotidiane e nell'interazione con la clientela. 

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Together We Innovate

Project360  is your technology partner for the engineering, prototyping and implementation of  innovative digital solutions.


We put our constant research activity at your service,  analysis and updating  on  latest and cutting-edge digital technologies, with the support of technical-regulatory checks functional to the certification and validation of data, systems and solutions.


In addition to integrating the already widespread web and mobile paradigms and technologies, we are more focused on the development of projects that integrate "trending technologies"  of the IoT and Artificial Intelligence.

Mainly designed for the business world  (B2B), our solutions allow you  to minimize the costs of the production cycle, to improve sales performance, to guarantee the control and measurability of company performance.  

P360  can provide you with ready-to-use solutions, borrowed from previous projects, or customized versions and solutions tailored to your specific needs.


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A  network of  Partner  to offer you Products, 

Solutions e  Value added services 

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Together We Drive your future

Project360  is the partner to rely on for the development of the corporate strategy and for the management of change and innovation processes.

Our services guarantee your company continuous support, planned and built around the scalability needs of your project.

We take care of all the transversal aspects of the identified innovative businesses, constantly updating you on the sector regulations, on the evolution of the market, on changes in technologies, policies and governance, with particular attention to energy-saving management and the overall level of sustainability of the project.

Many Italian companies have already launched innovative business strategies around digitization.  


Find out how to accelerate your future together with  Project360.

Finanza agevolata e bandi europei

Offriamo servizi specialistici di consulenza per lo sviluppo, la pianificazione economico-finanziaria e il  coordinamento tecnico dei progetti da avviare alla partecipazione a bandi europei e misure di finanziamento nazionali, offrendo un supporto completo in tutte le fasi. Contestualmente, effettuiamo le attività di ricerca di eventuali partner, con i quali sviluppare i progetti più innovativi.

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Assessment tecnologico

Valutare e certificare dal punto di vista tecnico-economico le tecnologie che intendi introdurre è un passaggio funzionale ad una corretta valorizzazione degli assets in bilancio e all'acceso alle agevolazioni, sgravi e incentivi previsti per gli imprenditori che investono in attività di Ricerca e Sviluppo e/o per Industria 4.0. 

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Business Process Reeinginering

​Partendo dai tuoi processi aziendali e dal tuo modello di business, i nostri servizi di consulenza possono aiutarti a definire la strategia di innovazione veicolabile attraverso le nuove tecnologie.

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System Integration

L'introduzione di nuovi sistemi e soluzioni all'interno della tua azienda deve tradursi in infrastrutture e applicativi in grado di dialogare e integrarsi con i tuoi sistemi pre-esistenti. 

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Managed Services

Tutti i servizi post-vendita di cui hai bisogno per la manutenzione, l'upgrade e il troubleshooting della tua soluzione. Forniamo un'assistenza continuativa, sia da remoto che con interventi presso il cliente, con condizioni chiare e stabilite da un Service Level Agreement. 

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Finanziamenti ottenuti dai nostri Clienti 

Progetti di innovazione finanziati

Progetti finanziati alla prima application


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Alcuni clienti beneficiari di contributi pubblici con il supporto di Project360

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